They' screamed and prayed' as the Ryanair jet touched down during Storm Eowyn.

                                                                                                         Photo: EU PlaneSpotters

Fear was evident among people on board a Ryanair flight that landed at an Irish airport during the turbulent Storm Eowyn, according to a passenger who described the terrifying experience.

Late Thursday evening, the plane, which had taken off from Gran Canaria, touched down at Cork Airport. One of the more than 200 passengers on the flight, Lorraine Carney, a native of Cork, termed the final 30 minutes before touchdown "tricky" and "absolutely frightening," particularly after the first landing attempt was cancelled.


The second attempt was successful, but not before some passengers turned to prayer, which resulted in an uncomfortable quiet in the cabin. "The aircraft was wobbling back and forth. Lorraine told RTE's Today with Claire Byrne, "It was like rain I've never heard before, and you could hear it battering against the windows."

Strong gusts continued to buffet the aircraft even after landing, making passengers feel like they were still in flight. The pilot, Captain Jim Allen, was praised by Lorraine for his extraordinary ability to handle such a difficult landing: "I don't know how he landed the plane because it was shaking from side to side."


The airport's ground workers received recognition for securing luggage and assisting passengers in disembarking despite the windy weather. 

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