Virgin Galactic has successfully completed its first private astronaut flight, named ‘Galactic 02
Virgin Galactic has successfully accomplished its first private astronaut flight, named ‘Galactic 02.’ This quest marked several historic attainments, highlighting how Virgin Galactic’s spaceflights are expanding access to space for a distinct group of astronauts worldwide.
The private astronauts Anastatia Mayers from Antigua and Barbuda, Keisha Schahaff, and Jon Goodwin from the UK traveled on "Galactic 02," reaching the following breaking point
- First female astronauts from the Caribbean
- First mother-daughter pair to travel to space
- Most women flew in a single space mission
- The youngest person to travel to space
- First Olympian in space
- First majority of female spaceflight
- Sixth and seventh Black woman to travel to space
- The second person with Parkinson’s to travel to space
- The third oldest person to travel to space
The 'Galactic 02' spacecraft successfully landed after taking off at 08:30 MDT, traveling at a top speed of Mach 3, attaining an apogee of 55 miles, and reaching an altitude of 44,300 feet at release.
Virgin Galactic's CEO, Michael Colglazier, pinpointed how this mission has increased access to space and motivated people all around the world. In order to expand its business, he said that the corporation intended to keep doing monthly spaceflights while also creating Delta Class manufacturing spaceships.
That magical moment when your dreams comes true #Galactic02
— Virgin Galactic (@virgingalactic) August 10, 2023
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